League | Grade at time of Registration |
Big Bat (Wiffle Ball) | Pre K - K |
Coach Pitch | 1st |
Rookies | 2nd & 3rd |
Majors | 4th & 5th |
Intermediate | 6th & 7th |
Juniors | 8th & 9th |
I understand that by signing this document I am agreeing to support and promote this Parent/Legal Guardian Code of Conduct Agreement. Further, my failure to comply with this Agreement or my participation in any of the defined CONDUCT SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINE will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from Proctor Area Youth Baseball and its affiliate member associations.
These community organizations make what we do possible. Please show your support to these amazing sponsors and thank them for their commitment to Proctor Area Youth Baseball. Please follow the link to see the rest of our 2025 Team Sponsors.
If you would like to be a sponsor for PAYB or have a request for partnership, please reach out to our Community Relations Directors at PAYBsponsorship@gmail.com